Return and cancellation policy

We appreciate your confidence in purchasing a subscription package from us, and we work hard to ensure your complete satisfaction. In the event that you would like a refund, please refer to our refund policy below:

Terms and conditions for a refund

  1. Customers can request a refund within 24 hours of the purchase date.
  2. To request a refund, the customer must contact our support team via e-mail or phone and provide details of the request and the reason for the refund request.
  3. A full refund will be made if all the conditions mentioned are met and the return request is accepted.
  4. The request must be based on an objective problem with the service and not use the return policy as a way to experience our service.

The aim of the return and cancellation policy

The return and cancellation policy aims to provide a guarantee and security to the consumer that we provide the agreed service according to the agreed terms, without any increase or decrease. The return policy should not be used as a way to try the service and then request a refund within 24 hours.

We hope you have a satisfactory experience with our services and thank you for choosing us. If you need further assistance or have any questions about our return policy, please contact our technical support team


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