How to run subscriptions on the NET IPTV application


This application is used to operate subscriptions, this application is not affiliated with EXTRA TV, and does not contain channel lists, it is only used to operate subscriptions to EXTRA TV on devices


Follow the instructions in the pictures to adjust the device settings


The first step

After searching for the application on your device's App Store and downloading it, open the application,

When you open the application for the first time, the following screen will appear, as shown in the image:


The second step

After downloading the application from the App Store and opening it for the first time, this screen will appear

 As is Shown in the picture, press the red button on the remote control to display
 your number  . .

                            Press “A” on the remote control

The third step 


 Open the net iptv page via your computer or mobile browser 

your number  . . 

 Then click on Add List 



The four step 

 Enter the server link that you will receive in the subscription or trial card 

 Click Update menu 



Keep pressing the (0) button on the remote control To update the list and read
 Subscription on the app, or Close the application and restart it again

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We wish you a pleasant viewing with EXTRA TV subscriptions
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